
This is The Dystopia Report. Born from the momentous civic failure of a nation, we bear witness to its consequences. Whatever happens we will not be cowed by a need to normalize events that have no precedent. Steeled to face Fox/AM’s tireless propaganda in service of the champion its nihilism produced, we refuse to accept daily insanity foisted on us by a man who never wanted his job, and exhibits hourly disdain toward its aspirations. As optimists, we don’t pursue chaos for its own sake, and much prefer the boredom of competence to the drama of government by the scurrilous whims of a fool. We are ever mindful that at the end of the day we are all in this together and the truth can only be an ally. The future is ours to make, but the past always has to be reckoned with.

April 18, 2018



Root Cause

Nothing about the Orwellian normalization of Trump/MAGA fascism is more perplexing than the willingness of the Biden Administration and Democrats to accept the blame and full electoral liability for inflation. When MAGA eunuchs like Byron Donald or Marco Rubio aren’t reframing the most recent example of Trump’s cognitive decline, they are surely railing about $10 …

Full Plates

Recently, I was out to dinner with a close friend. We go back to the care-free days of bachelorhood, when worrying about only ourselves was all we cared to contemplate. Thirty years later, he has three kids now out of the house in various states of college or post-college doings. Since his wife was occupied …


In his official proclamation of Thanksgiving, 1936, President Roosevelt held forth on American strength and resolve through hard times. Expressing gratitude that “Devine Providence has vouchsafed us wisdom and courage to overcome adversity…,” FDR gave thanks for “free institutions” that held strong through the worst of the Depression “with no abatement of our faith in …