“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort.”
James Mattis
The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that grants the President power to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within our borders for the purposes of suppressing civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The fact it has sat on the books unchallenged since the turn of the 19th century owes either to its fundamental utility or its archaic obsolescence. Certainly, judging from how rarely it was dusted off and summoned for use in the last hundred years, the answer to that question is the latter. Herbert Hoover, perhaps the last President as anti-social as our current troll – although he happened to be America’s greatest humanitarian at the time, which is at 180 degree variance from Trump – actually called in the military to rout WWI veterans seeking benefits by marching in DC.
Other examples of its employment were to enforce what everybody but society’s skels agreed were necessary mandates, like not looting in the wake of a hurricane, or punctuating the symbolism of protecting black school children’s right to integration. But even when it was used inappropriately , such as during the LA riots sparked by Rodney King’s beating, the edict was made as a last resort, maybe panic, and quickly retracted as order seemed restored.
Like everything else, Trump views US armed forces as “his”, to do with as the moment suits him. This particular moment has him reducing our troop presence in Germany by a third for no other reason than getting even with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the de facto leader of the free world, for snubbing his invitation to come to Camp David for the G-7 conference during the global pandemic our President has decided no longer exists.
Meanwhile, Trump is at Twitter war with DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, who politely and very professionally informed him by official letter that her city was no longer in a state of emergency, thus his conglomeration of National Guard, Bureau of Prisons, US Army regulars and perhaps even Blackwater mercenaries, which she never did request, are not at all appreciated in the nation’s capitol.
The President’s response was so predictable a drinking game could have been created around it. Bowser, tweeted little hands, “is grossly incompetent…. totally out of control and is constantly coming back to us for “handouts”…. is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment…“ Of course, it wasn’t enough to dog whistle at Bowser during a national racial epiphany, the President needed to threaten her as well. If Bowser kept complaining, “we’ll bring in another group of men and women.” What that gibberish meant is anybody’s guess… perhaps some militia types from Idaho. Whatever. Fact is, were it up to Trump, every day would be the right day for the Insurrection Act. That’s where we are and that’s where we’re surely staying during the run up to November.
The photo op Trump’s accordion monkey, Billy Barr, ordered peaceful protesters gassed and pummeled for clarifies Trump/2020 is less about even turning out the base than simply serving notice anything goes. There is not a whiff of concealment, it’s all in the open now. MAGA is at war with the rest of America, and seeks zero lib affirmation for anything it does, most notably its constant sedition. As for “the blacks,” they can either do the Candace Owens and express proper gratitude, or they can get treated as the problem any uppity whining deserves. No “kneed” to make that any clearer!
On the same day Trump waved his hand and declared a much hailed maritime sanctuary established by Obama off Cape Cod – that data showed conclusively had no negative impact on New England fishing prosperity – was now open for encroachment, Rush Limbaugh held forth on the joys of disunion. It’s them against us folks, the supposedly gravely ill Medal of Freedom recipient screeched: “….they keep firing at Donald Trump and it doesn’t even wound him.” And the protests? “We’re being told they are aimed at us,” contorted Limbaugh, “… but they are really against blue state governors.” Er, Okie dokie…… sure thing!
Make no mistake, ditto heads are already frothing for a junta. There is nothing about self-determination they like, they want Trump determination. Sean tells them it will be a landslide, Trump tells them it’s all rigged, either is fine with them. Trump isn’t leaving regardless of result, that’s now a MAGA given. The only one in America who hasn’t gotten that memo yet seems to be Chuck Todd.
The fervent, if not desperate, hope for democrats everywhere is that the strong and steady stream of nationwide protest necessitated by the murder of George Floyd has been received by McConnell et al. as but the appetizer to a main course they can count on in November when Trump disdains the will of the people. Forget Trump and the MAGAites, forget his GOP House flunkies, and forget Fox/AM – there is no doubt anymore how low they will go – it’s what’s left of the now extinct GOP establishment who will determine our fate. Call them what you will; Mattis is part of it, so is George Will, who has finally also come fully out from behind his pomposity to confront our pestilence. Lisa Murkowski appears to want back in on the right side of history after her impeachment disgrace. Even Condi Rice now figures it’s time to recognize police brutality against minorities as a problem, even if she made triple sure she didn’t dirty her hands mentioning Trump.
But what will any of that mean if, the day after the election, the turtle and his cadre of eunuchs emerge from under their rocks to give even a whiff of credence to Trump’s lies. Can’t you hear him now, with that voice that always sounds like he’s just about to vomit? “Well, I think we better all just slow down and let the process work here. Frankly, I’m a bit disturbed by some of the reports coming in. This election is just too vital to rush.” Another drinking game on the horizon.
Yet again an awful consequence of electing Trump is being processed as another opportunity for us to rediscover the joys of national unity. Utter nonsense. How are we going to coalesce around reform of our police departments’ circle-the-wagons response to any and all brutality complaints when half of us never recognized it as a problem in the first place. One video will be transformative? What about the dozens before?
Roger Goodall comes out and mea culpas that the NFL “got it wrong” with Colin Kapernick. So the MAGA fan base is prepared to tolerate similar sideline activism once games finally start again? Really? Where is that bridge inventory when you need it? Last time I looked, he’s still unemployed. Who wouldn’t rather have old Josh McCown running their offense.
George Floyd’s murder sparked a refreshing outpouring of activism, even if it no doubt exposed thousands to Covid-19 and provided more than an element of unnerving mob violence. It’s better than the alternative of apathy and more normalization. The hope that many who count, like James Mattis, like former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, like ex-DNI Dan Coats, and others have been shamed enough by the conduct of the nihilist they previously enabled, they are prepared to step forward and act as patriots should is tangible. They know even better than most that crises he creates only provide a platform for Trump’s worst; that never changes. The question has always been when will his worst ruin us? Slowly but surely more seem to be coming around to the imperative we must stop tempting fate in that regard. Yet and still, time is not on our side. BC