Enough To Hurt

“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

HL Mencken

It’s impossible to overstate how dangerous things are for our nation at this moment. And sadly it’s very hard to be optimistic about whether a solution to our predicament is possible. There is no silver bullet available to quell the seditious satisfaction millions derive from a rabidly unhinged President they demand lead them further into the abyss his incompetence and immorality always descends to. However bad he was yesterday won’t be as awful as tomorrow, and tomorrow will always be better than the next day it becomes. Regardless, the wretched core will never harbor second thoughts; MAGA, like any other totalitarian steamroller, only accelerates and never reconsiders. Every day we allow it to move forward is scorched-earth yardage we will have to replant. Five more years is the whole ball game.

All that said, merely replacing a moron with a far more functional and accomplished brain farter, or one far less corrupt opportunist, is certainly not the campaign mission statement one wants to see next November as we fight to save the republic. Perhaps we should demand our best to clean up the mess our worst has made? Shouldn’t we at least aspire to refreshing excellence instead of a stale track record. This is no time for mediocrity and moral ambiguity.

Joe Biden has seen more than his share of both luck and triumph, misfortune and tragedy. If nobody in Hollywood would consider Trump’s self-parody and reality outrageousness as the basis for a serious movie script, a narrative of Biden’s life story would surely get green-lighted. Elected to the US Senate at the preposterously young age of 30, Biden has been front and center for near every seminal event since Watergate. Perhaps no living pol possesses more stature than Delaware’s finest, who served loyally for eight years as our first black President’s VP.

Yet and still, Biden has endured searing tragedy. In 1972 his entire young family was involved in an auto accident that killed both his wife and daughter, leaving him a widower with two young boys. In 1988 Biden came as close as one can to early death himself as doctors successfully caught a brain aneurysm in the nick of time. Just several years ago he again buried one of his children, this time his eldest son Beau from cancer.

Through it all Biden has straddled the line between populist hyperbole and savvy statesmanship, fierce allegiance to the little guy and comfortable lunches at the Palm with donors surely picking up the tab. In short, despite a lifetime of most often admirable public service, he is a target-rich environment for Fox/AM character assassination. He, like Hillary Clinton, provides more than enough for the signature false equivalence of Sean Hannity or Rushbo to equate. The current Ukraine imbroglio involving his son, Hunter is example A.

Mykola Zlochevsky served two stints as a top Ukrainian public servant, both in the embattled country’s energy sector. His most recent post was as ecology minister under the kleptocracy of Russian puppet Victor Yanukovych, who was swept out by reformists in early 2014. During Zlochevsky’s tenure as ecology minister a plethora of energy companies were granted license approvals critical to their activities. Most would become spokes in Bursima, a company Zlochevsky later established, which became the country’s largest energy producer, making its owner a multi-millionaire. One hardly need be a conspiracist to connect those dots.

After the thoroughly corrupt Yanukovych was ousted, with confronting Russia’s incursion into the Crimea the top priority, NATO allies were adamant that any program to furnish the new regime in Kiev with economic and military resources start and end with the confidence that Ukrainian government was no longer the cesspool it became under the previous leadership. To this end, US Vice-President Joe Biden was tasked to put the elbow on the nation’s legal apparatus, which he did with enthusiasm, later boasting of using pending Western aid as a hammer to promote reform. At the end of the day most all agreed, while what replaced Yanukovych was far from perfect, it was a night and day improvement.

Under such circumstances it made perfect sense for any Ukrainian business facing such scrutiny to make cultivating ties to significant US players a priority. Rather than simply wait passively to be put under the microscope, get proactive and enlist those who can provide luster to your defense, credibility to your enterprise. It’s doubtful anyone would serve such a strategy better than the son of the point man for the entire inquisition!

By all accounts Hunter Biden has struggled to make his mark. Addiction, financial and emotional challenges have dotted his adult life with frailties responsible for many a failure. And while his father was inarguably one of America’s most powerful and connected, until he hit the lecture circuit etc. after leaving office in 2017, he was by no means wealthy enough to provide his son with financial certainty. Hunter needed to make his own living., and he was never much concerned about the optics created by his career path. A stint as a K Street lobbyist here, as a “counsel” for a New York law firm there. One has to put food on the table, no?

Most recently, Hunter Biden was a business partner of Chris Heinz, heir to his family’s ketchup fortune and John Kerry’s stepson, who does have the financial wherewithal to be a bit more choosey about where to work and who to work for. When Hunter Biden accepted an invitation to sit on Bursima’s board of directors, Heinz was immediate and adamant in his opposition to the idea. In fact, when Hunter Biden ignored Heinz’s objections and accepted the slot, it ended their business relationship. And while the Bidens have implied there were other reasons for the dissolution, Heinz spokesman Chris Bastardi left no room for doubt, declaring that working for Bursima was “unacceptable” and “a lack of judgement in this matter was a major catalyst” for Heinz ending the partnership. Hunter Biden’s father never raised such concerns, the total sum of his reservations expressed in a passing “I hope you know what you’re doing” admonishment to his son. This despite the pressing concern by his own staffers, understandably worried about appearances.

It can be argued that, years ago as the new Secretary of State was setting up her operation for overseeing Foggy Bottom, had a White House staffer looked her dead in the eyes and called her a foolish diva for insisting her business emails proceed through a server at her home, providing careless fodder for GOP muckrakers, we would all be sleeping better. Now we have a leading candidate for the most important Presidential nomination in our history with a very similar scenario brewing on his stove. Whether either is “fair” is irrelevant; the Fox/AM weaponization of false equivalence is the bedrock of its nihilism, providing them bullets is no longer an option.

Assessing the Biden candidacy already requires one to issue a number of passes for resume hiccups and stumbles his assets presumably outweigh. Moreover, he would be 86 years old at the end of his second term. Now his inexplicable failure to take his son to task when it mattered most will be a constant counter-narrative to the vital business of impeaching the worst blight on our system we have yet experienced. Unlike, most of the slop Trump and his Fox/AM line cooks toss at the wall, this clump has more than enough truth to it to make for a sticky mess. Food for thought. BC

Perfect Fit

The autism spectrum is a very broad and diverse measure of an epidemic nobody understands. Quantified as a 1 to 10 continuum, the range includes kids unable to care for themselves in any meaningful way, or communicate whatsoever, up to and including those who are fully functional members of society yet possess mannerisms and deficits they themselves can’t recognize to address but are often tormented by.

One of the best friends I ever had was a golden boy. We met as part of the same youth football team; he was the quarterback, I was the center. Even then, one could recognize he was outside the normal mold, as painfully shy as he was talented. Handsome, athletic, incredibly intelligent, practically a musical prodigy, he could have been any kind, in any field of endeavor. But his stilted ability to engage with others and a tendency toward obsessive-compulsiveness meant to fully thrive and make the most of his gifts he required structure, a constructive routine he could embrace. He never got it.

Instead he got me and the rest of our gang, and the idle hours of skateboarding and self-medication that only sabotaged his development. Understand, we loved him and accepted him for exactly who he was, but provided nothing to help him grow. When, living in Ocean City, he contracted an infection from a skateboard injury that turned his leg into a watermelon. I brought him fried chicken from my job down the street, and all were quick to share whatever substances could be acquired to dull the pain. Eventually, I believe, we got him a ride home with somebody and his parents got him the medical attention that literally saved his leg…. that was the extent of what we were good for.

Truth is we were all caught up in our own situations, encumbered by our own frailties and limitations. Each of us had his own narrative, which my pal was only a part of. Had he had the Asperger’s diagnosis back then, perhaps the parents who loved him would have found the intervention he required to reach his limitless potential. But 40 years ago there was no such understanding, and my buddy was on his own.

At his funeral four years ago, the mood was very somber. His passing from alcoholism was not really shocking. Those closest to him were reconciled that his story could end prematurely. He was married to a woman he loved, but few thought him content, and fewer still believed he ended up in a place that suited his God-given attributes. We celebrated who he was, and appreciated everything about him, but all who knew him best saw his story as more cautionary tale than anything else. He didn’t require much, yet the nothing he received was not near enough.

Anybody who has carefully watched Greta Thunberg through the filter of autism awareness quickly recognizes she is on the spectrum. Her cadence is rigid, her statements terse and declarative. When she was testifying before a House committee, the efforts of members to engage her in jocular give and take usually created awkwardness as she struggled a bit with inflections and implied understanding.

Yet and still, her Aspergers and young age don’t prevent her from pursuing the mission she rises and sleeps by. Her singular focus imparts Climate Change with the deadly seriousness it deserves. After sailing across the Atlantic to join the fray in a country that has fully lost its way, Greta Thunberg is exactly who we need to listen to, with exactly the right traits for the task. Her utter indifference to herself as anything more than a messenger with a dire tale to tell couldn’t be more refreshing, even as reason’s arch nemesis shames his country by regurgitating nihilist talking points… mindless throwaway labels like “hoax” and “fraud”. But if Trump is every reason to be pessimistic about our present, Greta is all we need to be optimistic about our future.

Perhaps Greta at her finest was on display when she was testifying before the House Committee on Natural Resources. GOP Rep. Garrett Graves of Louisiana, figuring he’d get cute pushing the climate denial trope that the US is foolish to limit its own carbon footprint when others like China and India lag behind with an analogy a little girl could grasp, asked Greta how she’d feel in her boat on the ocean if every time she picked up one piece of trash other mariners discarded five pieces. Greta was at first puzzled by the question, her Aspergers foisting a literal comprehension as she digested it. So she said simply she was going too fast to pick anything up out of the water. After Graves laughed off that response, she declared she’d simply continue her task while asking the others to stop littering. But after she was given another minute to consider the matter as other witnesses jumped in, she was devastating. I should tell you, she admonished Graves, that in my country others say exactly that about the US, “so you should know that is being turned around against you.” Game Over! Graves had nothing to rejoin with…. thoroughly owned by a 16-year old force of nature.

Who is to say what is and isn’t a strength or weakness? Life is situational and people are different. My friend did the best he could on his own, within the context he wouldn’t leave behind. He became a great skateboarder, pioneering vertical riding on the east coast, pushing the limits until his body rebelled, becoming a bit of a legend to those who came after him. When he passed he was missed by many, and nobody could be found to disparage him. Maybe that’s enough? ……. Maybe not.

Yet right here and right now, as our planet faces destruction due to equal parts of corporate greed, willful ignorance and the notion comfort zones should not be adjusted, there has perhaps emerged precisely the right person with just the traits required to make an impact. Greta embraces her autism as a “superpower.” Who could argue? At the UN yesterday she towered over the forum for climate action, fully eclipsing our whiner-in-chief, wholly unimpressed by his narcissism. Her direct and uncompromising pursuit of something as basic as her generation’s survival calls for nothing flashy, only focused refusal to accept less than full cooperation. Greta offers no tolerance or forgiveness for the double-tongues, and a personal example that should shame deniers into reconsideration. I’m with her! BC

Chicken Or The Egg

There’s a climactic scene in A Perfect Storm, the otherwise woefully inadequate screen translation of Sebastian Junger’s fantastic book, that may accurately encapsulate even our most favorable governmental prospects. After struggling through frightening swells to get his fishing boat out of a monstrous storm system it appears George Clooney and his crew have finally found high pressure and the calm seas it promises. For a moment they celebrate, but then Clooney scans the horizon and drops his head. “It’s not going to let us out,” he sadly surrenders, just before a mountain of water capsizes the vessel.

As Decision 2020 approaches, most consider trouncing Trump the grail to be seized. Such an outcome, the conventional wisdom holds, will get us back on track to some sort of normalcy, where the news cycle is not one long ticker tape of outrageous incompetence, lies and corruption. A place where productive government can at least be pursued without constant sabotage from the White House and its posse of Hill nihilists committed to carrying as much water as Trump sloshes their way. A new day, when we are no longer held hostage by an unhinged sociopath slumped on an antique couch, remote in one hand and an unsecured IPhone in the other. A glorious deliverance from a mad king. Certainly not happily ever after, but at least saved from the clutches of ruin. Right? Not so fast.

It becomes more clear every day this crisis won’t be over even if we succeed in sending Trump back to his gilded tower. Anyone spending part of their life they won’t get back watching Congressional hearings on ANY subject, from election security to reforms of police procedures to DC statehood can detect a terrible trend.

Back in 2009, when Sarah Palin sought with feverish indiscretion to cash in on her 15 minutes by diving headlong into Fox/AM’s shit river, conservative pundit David Brooks dismissed her as a “show horse” with little to offer the national discussion. Brooks did his usual nervous laugh thing as he predicted a short run for the budding reality TV regular, while lecturing that political parties require more than simply hissing grievance and resentment 24/7, they demand substance, actual lawmaking. A decade later Brooks is a man without a political home, as the GOP has descended to nihilist depths even Palin couldn’t conjure up as she embraced every ounce of her nastiness.

On Facebook, House Intelligence ranking member Devin Dunes seeks contributions with an ad post calling on all Trumpies to fight back against fake news. Only approved sources, like Nunes’ own print and on-line publications he finances directly can be trusted. Nunes, who has taken to calling Democrats the Democratic/socialist party on Twitter, accuses them of being “under the thumb” of “tech oligarchs” even as he enjoys as prodigious a presence on social media as any member of either caucus, fully mimicking the irreverent shorthand of the tweeter-in-chief. And make no mistake, collaboration on a resolution praising National Cheeseburger Day is as far as Nunes’ bipartisan inclinations extend, whether on matters within or past the water’s edge. Nunes appears content in his niche slot as a constant inhibiter of investigations into Trump malfeasance and ubiquitous presence on the Fox prime-time lineup. Issues and process take a back seat to providing official luster to Hannity fever dreams about the deep state.

Such back benching is no longer an outlier but the norm in today’s GOP. Tuning into a House hearing on how changes to police procedure may decrease the number of unarmed people shot to death during otherwise minor encounters that escalate out of control seemed at first encouraging. Granted, Al Sharpton had been invited to testify, but Reverend Al’s remarks were not controversial, and his tone was constructive, right in line with his remade persona as an MSNBC host. Thoughtful exchanges on topics such as perhaps training recruits coming out of the military to shed their previous predispositions to viewing encounters as dangerous confrontations were constructive, the atmosphere almost convivial. Until Florida Republican Matt Gaetz was allotted his five minutes.

Uninterested in anything other than picking a fight with Sharpton, Gaetz began to read from a resolution none other than Joe Scarborough had introduced years before to condemn Reverend Al for his role in the Crown Heights riots. Of course arguing with bigots is Sharpton’s wheelhouse and what was a pretty decent give and take on an important issue went right off the rails, exactly where Gaetz wanted it. Whatever Sharpton was then or is now meant nothing to Gaetz past providing an opportunity to preen for, first Trump, then Fox/AM. Whether it’s the audience of one in the East Wing or the wretched core, the last thing Gaetz cares about is governing. Later that evening, Tucker Carlson rewarded Gaetz with a special shout out and promised viewers the whole ugly exchange would be uploaded to the show’s page. The “substance” Brooks once demanded is nowhere to be found within the House GOP; instead they are rotten schoolboys, and every day provides a another substitute teacher to torment.

Ditto, it now appears, the Senate Republican leadership, who demonstrate no interest to find consensus for any response to threats to America’s elections, now routine mass shootings, the continued disgrace of family separations at the southern border, or anything else for that matter. They are, however, available to echo their House counterparts and denounce Democrats as socialists…. and the media as fake, albeit in a more reserved and structured manner. Rather than permit votes on legislation, McConnell preferred taking to the Senate floor last week and denouncing the Democrats’ “embrace of one half-baked socialist proposal after another.”

In both national chambers, not to mention flyover state legislatures, the new GOP brand is open disdain for governance, a full redefinition of their job descriptions to focus exclusively on mocking the democratic process, completely in line with their President. Sedition in unapologetically plain view. If this is how they act when they are in a position to actually get laws passed, how do you suppose they will behave with a, say, President Warren? Joe Biden promises he can get things done across the aisle. Not with this bunch. Does anybody really think, were the GOP still to control the Senate in 2021, that Moscow Mitch won’t pull a Garland if Clarence Thomas retires? The wretched core will demand nothing less.

It’s the old chicken before the egg question. Back in the primaries of 2016, the GOP had a stage full of the best talent it could muster…. and Trump. The Donald demonstrated how little power the party possessed to control the mob created by dependency on Roger Ailes for its messaging. The resulting chaos has distracted even those who paid attention to what their game plan was, carried out in full view during the Obama years. Forced after another trouncing in 2012 to choose which way to go as the road forked, a bigger tent or the inferno, Republicans headed south. Today that march continues, Trump has merely forced them to move at the double step, like Patton heading to Bastogne, only this trek leads not to glory in defense of freedom, but shame in pursuit of power. It’s doubtful a new President will be enough to force a turnaround. BC

Few Alternatives

Turns out there may be dim hopes for us yet! Well on our way to rendering our current planet uninhabitable, we can now at least fantasize about a new destination available for colonization once the gig is up here. Planet K2-18b is only 110 light years away, and strong evidence suggests there is “water in its skies,” a must for habitation by humans. Now, K12-18b possesses “powerful gravity” that would make walking tricky, but at near twice the size of Earth, there would be plenty of room to move. Of course, oxygen is in very very short supply on the planet’s surface, but the way we’re going here, that’s a problem we appear confident can be overcome. Anyway, it’s better than nothing, right? A glimmer of hope on space’s frontier.

Of all the frustrating inconsistencies Trump’s adoring evangelical bloc exhibit, the most puzzling is their near complete shoulder shrug about his ghoulish assault on the environment. If the great I AM created our world and man in his image, and granted us stewardship of his pet project, while constantly forgiving our sins, isn’t it a tad ungrateful to destroy it all? If it was two by two into the ark and all of that, shouldn’t extinction of any of the creatures God carefully inventoried be viewed with concern? Apparently not.

When Scott Pruitt, perhaps the worst fox ever to be selected to guard a federal department’s hen house, resigned from the EPA, he was unapologetic about his near constant abasements of the agency’s mission, not to mention personal corruption that made even Trump wince. Pruitt’s goodbye note predictably blamed the press for his troubles, and took pride in his predations on the natural resources he attacked rather than protected. But in closing, Pruitt waxed reverential and made clear the constituency both he and the President were beholden to. “I believe you are serving as President today because of God’s providence,” intoned Pruitt. Seems God doesn’t much mind a bit of chlorpyrifos testing the bounds of healthy fetal development, and 1986 clean water standards suit the almighty just fine.

The disconnect between evangelical Trump adoration and environmental subversion so outrageous even notorious polluters like big oil and utilities have blushed, fearful of eventual blowback when responsible executive guidance is restored, can be comprehended several different ways. First and foremost is the pro-life paradigm. Trump’s dogged pursuit of anti-abortion zealotry renders all else insignificant. Taking on the baby killers is first, second and last when it comes to priorities. Arctic refuge tracts sold off for oil and gas drilling is white noise. Eye on the ball and all that.

Next, like most all of the wretched core, and the President himself, Christian America relies exclusively on Fox/AM for information. “What Would Jesus Do” doesn’t stand a chance against “what do Stuart Varney or Lou Dobbs say?” In the main, evangelicals appear content to categorize the environment as a government policy issue, not a biblical concern. If anything, it falls into “render unto Caesar” territory, merely another talking point in the overall Fox/AM narrative that always divides things into camps. Who wants to have whacked out eco-lefties on a mission as fellow travelers? Single minded fanaticism is only acceptable when saving babies, not baby seals. Exxon not Greenpeace!

Finally, and perhaps most odious, there is the conscious skewing of frontal ecological assaults to bring them in line with a prosperity gospel view. After all, God wants us happy and thriving right? A sub compact could cause an embolism on an extended journey, better to play it safe with an SUV. Happy campers sin less; that’s a fact. Besides, do you really think he wants us dependent on Sunnis for our gas? We actually trespass against his will when we reap less due to fears satan allows our imaginations to conjure up. Climate change is his work; ours is to resist hysterics and trust in God. After all, judgement day is coming at some point… who knows how. Don’t worry, be happy!

The destructive legacies of even one Trump term will be many, but none will require more urgent attention and immediate counter measures than the environmental protections and international eco-cooperation he has laid waste to. It’s a good bet whoever succeeds Trump as the wretched core’s leader will lean heavily on flyover Christians to cement his relevancy, while continuing to sell Trump’s hideous environmental agenda as both a line in the sand against attacks on our sovereignty and a key to economic prosperity. The power evangelicals have in shaping those priorities will be as significant then as it is now. Were they to understand ecological degradation as a trespass against God, and express any degree of tangible concern about retrograde sensibilities that pits the GOP squarely against virtually the rest of humanity, its approach would surely change. They don’t and it won’t, at least not anytime soon.

Yet and still, although it is impossible right now not to see evangelicals as a flock far more aligned with Dallas snake oil pastor and Trump favorite Robert Jeffress than less craven and materially guided alternatives, there are K2-18b’s within the Christian galaxy. Progressive theologians like Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and Brian McLaren provide at least the glimmer of possibility that voices focused more on WWJD concerns like poverty, immigration and the environment are growing in reaction to rampant hypocrisy foisted in their name. A growing student rebellion at Liberty University challenging Jerry Falwell Jr’s overt corruption and totalitarian efforts to bring all in his realm to heel speaks better of born-again America’s kids than its parents.

Such outliers should be supported and nurtured, encouraged to repel the ugliness they feel alienated from, not simply thrown out with the bath water. After all, it would be a sin to give up on so many currently lost in a forest of resentment and grievance due to sermons that betrayed them. That would be analogous to throwing in the towel and accepting the inevitability of Earth’s surrender to plastics and uncontrolled carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, Christian sensibilities and the planet’s survival should go hand in hand. What’s more, K2-18bs simply do not seem in plentiful supply right now. BC


Calling North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore a “staunch conservative” is one of those casual misnomers our political lexicon permits that sacrifices accuracy for the sake of general categorization. In fact, there is nothing conservative about Moore; he does nothing for the purpose of cautious protection of established precedent, which defines the term in most dictionaries. No, Moore is reckless in his agenda, his means of pursuing it, and the overt graft he seems to expect as a natural perk of his public office. In other words, Moore is precisely the type of low life who informs our worst cynicism about American politics.

Elected to the NC House in 2002 with campaign contributions totaling $45,000, Moore’s cake walk victory in 2016 was accompanied by a war chest of more the $1.7 million. And whether it’s been directly intervening to spare a company he co-owns both late fees for failing to comply with state regulators and fines associated with violating pollution standards, or earmarking millions of dollars for projects within his district to benefit contributors, Moore has never been shy about using his position for personal benefit. Why would he be? Ethics oversight has been fully controlled by the GOP for years.

As for his position on the issues, Moore is a Fox/AM culture war caricature with venom to spare on must every pertinent, and more importantly, non-pertinent issue of the day. Obsessed with the LGBT community, Moore makes it his business to make their life in the Tar Heel State hard. The leading force behind legislation to make it a crime for a transgender person to use the bathroom they identify with, which put NC among the national leaders of ugly LBGT reactionaries, Moore wears his bigotry toward any non repressed, guilt-ridden heterosexual like a badge of courage. Indeed, he never met any group other than white, wealthy, Christian intolerants he didn’t want to marginalize.

SB 359 is a classic Moore pet. The measure makes it a murder rap to intentionally carry out or attempt “to perform an overt act that kills a child born alive” during an abortion procedure. Additionally, any health-care practitioner who fails to provide the appropriate degree of care to a child born alive would face felony charges.” In other words, the .000000001 % of evil abortionists who somehow botch a late-term procedure and then snuff the infant’s life out on the operating table could get the needle.

The rhetoric that accompanied the measure was similarly scurrilous as the national GOP talk track, flat out lying that late-term abortion was common, while implying it was the preferred avenue of women too lazy to address their pregnancy earlier. The proposed law really had only two purposes: to permit GOP bible thumpers to check off the box established by the Trump-adopted talking point fiction that abortionists across the nation are zealously murdering fully developed babies; and intimidating staff at family planning clinics. When General Assembly Republicans failed to override Democratic Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of the legislation, it brought home the reality that, after years of veto-proof majorities, slow and steady gains by Democrats now necessitated more creative thinking in order to ram their schemes through the statehouse.

Moore and the caucus he leads have one overall maxim when it comes to budgetary matters….money talks and the poor can take a walk. Tax breaks for business, read contributors, always come first and last. Indeed, tax relief and social spending austerity are the peas and carrots of Moore’s budget stewardship. Of course, outliers of largesse can be found, like the 82K provided for a special position created for a former fiancé of Moore, whose resume was the only one his office forwarded to fill the special job vacancy. But spending white upper bracket tax money on priorities like education, aid programs for the poor, even infrastructure not earmarked for GOP districts? Not so much.

All of this converged Wednesday morning as most American politicos commemorated 9/11. Moore got the bright idea he could lie to Democrats’ faces and assure them no votes would be taken that morning and then, while the saps were out being patriots, override Governor Cooper’s veto of a contentious budget package they had earlier passed, free of GOP anathemas like Medicaid expansion and money for education. So Moore’s idea of creativity was simple shamelessness and authoritarian kabuki. Nice! Look your fellow elected officials in the eye and lie. Hey, whatever works! As the few Democrats who were present in the chamber called out Moore’s idiocy for the outrage it was, he had their microphones disabled. One Democratic member had to be surrounded by colleagues to avoid being physically confronted by security as she denounced the charade. Nice touch, Himmler.

There is the famous saying by Winston Churchill that democracy is the worst system there is except for all the others. He may have reconsidered that observation had he witnessed the disgusting display in NC this week. At the end of the day democracy, no matter how rough and tumble, requires a modicum of honor and civility. Moore and his caucus now offer neither. Whatever other systems are out there, it’s doubtful their curs are any lower than Moore and his crew. The Speaker claims he texted members to be present, which of course, Democrats ignored as the status of the session’s most important legislation was at stake. Perfectly reasonable!

When bad faith is all one side has to offer, there is no accommodation possible. Since 2010 that has been the case in the North Carolina state legislature. Wednesday it finally reach its logical conclusion; there is nothing left to the imagination. Our President has not yet weighed in on the matter; I have a 401K to bet on whether or not he will support Moore’s deceit. Limbaugh and Levin will surely be speaking of the move as a model for other legislatures.

Optimists have declared Moore stepped over the line and cooked his party’s goose for the upcoming election cycle. It would be nice to have confidence in that assessment. Any takers? Another shade of ruin. BC

Bad Inclinations

A little more than a century ago, after radically changing the course of US foreign policy, Woodrow Wilson left New York City escorted by an armada of naval vessels to become the first American President to visit Europe. His mission was clear: negotiate the terms for peace with the vanquished German leadership, defining a post-war world America now would fully engage with rather than simply watch from the safety advantageous geography had always granted.

Wilson’s reception in France and England was like nothing anyone had ever received anywhere or anytime before. Millions coming out to cheer the man they credited with turning the tide of history’s most devastating conflagration. Everywhere were grateful throngs fighting for a glimpse of the man all appeared happy to follow into a future they were certain couldn’t be worse than their recent past.

How wrong they were would start coming fully to light on September 1, 1939 when Nazi tanks rolled into Poland, but the seeds were planted in Versailles when French Premier Clemenceau got the blood from a stone his nation demanded, forcing Germany to endure the national shame and futility its democracy failed to survive. The lesson history would teach is that policy by emotion, particularly the dark recesses of vengeful bitterness and petty abasement creates a canvas for catastrophe. Allowed to fill in with the predictable elements our worst inclinations contribute, such a landscape will surely produce events that coalesce and quickly cascade at a pace beyond anyone’s best efforts to control.

Near one hundred and two years after Wilson’s triumphant arrival, VP Mike Pence couldn’t pay anyone enough to turn out and wave along the Irish countryside. Literally nobody was interested in bidding our second in command anything more than an international negative salute. The servile shadow of a President who has presented European democracies with the exact same ugliness they adopted to guide their post-WWI diplomacy arrived in Ireland with a forced smile and bad faith, and was welcomed accordingly. Earlier this year, Trump received much the same in London, his fabrications aside.

When Wilson came to Europe he had the creation of a League of Nations as his primary focus. The aim was to provide a forum for proactive diplomacy meant to head off the disastrous miscalculations that sparked WWI’s carnage. He limped home less convinced such idealism was possible after “a just and stable peace” suffered the same unbridled animosity he took in as a southern boy during Reconstruction, Germany was going to pay, come what may…. just like Dixie of Wilson’s youth. Ultimately, America rejected The League of Nations as well, opting for “normalcy” and retrenching back into isolationism only FDR’s full array of political talents, and a “day of infamy” succeeded in casting aside.

What we have now, reflected in the arbitrary and capricious spurts of an anti-statesman, is the same toxic stew of fear, ignorance and complacency that festered for two decades before exploding into catastrophe in Europe and Asia 80-odd years ago. We learned then what many thoughtful people are afraid we will learn again… the modern world does not grant a pass to idiocy for very long. When the planet’s leader shakes allies down, and blusters inanities at regimes who don’t play, dominoes will begin to fall.

Kashmir, Hong Kong, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, Iran, Syria, Brazil, Great Britain, for God’s sake. Our Earth is a fluid place, a dynamic host of variables that will not sit still for nonsense. Moronic tweets usually composed of American exceptionalist gibberish injure US interests and waste time we will not get back, all the while destroying a national brand still reeling from post 9/11 folly.

Forget fixing things, now we are the problem. A cruel and petty country, more interested in indulging xenophobia than providing any kind of safe harbor for anyone. Jordan has refugee camps that span as far as the eye can see. The latest proposal this Administration may or may not honor is 15,000 refugees, worldwide. Total! Bahamians, who survived obliteration are not welcome. Think about that.

American foreign policy is now based fully on MAGA sensibilities. That is, we suffer ungrateful allies, who are only interested in fleecing us, and enemies we have always been outsmarted by. In other words, a set of propositions only a sociopath, or millions of Fox/AM consumers, could love. But at the end of the day the cornerstones really aren’t too different from the Post WWI mindsets that kicked Woodrow Wilson in the teeth, even as he was accorded the welcome of a Roman conquerer. What’s critical is what it led to then, and what it will lead to now if we don’t reset STAT. To paraphrase one of the titles of Churchill’s masterful trilogy of memoirs that captured post-WWI’s consequences…. “a storm is coming.”BC

Not Happening

First it was the Republican establishment. Then it was the party leadership. Then it was…. any notable Republican. Then it was Robert Mueller. Now it’s former Defense Secretary James Mattis a callowed nation hopes can do the trick. Somebody with stature please pummel our bully and his gang of stooges for us. It’s just awful to keep having our lunch money taken in front of everybody. Shameful, degrading, a daily trauma. It’s like Back to The Future; Biff needs a fateful roundhouse to reshape our destiny. But can we rely on Mattis to deliver the blow that the others have refused to throw? That’s doubtful.

After a stretch of hibernation since resigning with less than an exclamation point as leader of the Pentagon, Mattis has a book on the way, Call Sign Chaos, which is to say he will be hitting the talk circuit to promote it. Since it’s doubtful the tome’s publishers were interested in paying seven figures for a tribute to Trump abasements, there exists a presumption the author is going to be taking el jefe to task. However, if an excerpt from the book, offered as an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal the other day, is any indication, Mad Dog’s bark won’t be much bigger than the nibble he was barely able to muster when Trump paraded him around as one of “my Generals.” At this rate he may not even earn a PM mention on the insulter-in-chief’s Twitter feed, let alone an AM tweet storm reserved for enemies du jour.

In fact, it’s fair to wonder whether Trump won’t thank Mattis for his observations, which ultimately merely offer up the false equivalence trope of emerging US tribalism without even a mention of the President by name. “We are dividing into hostile tribes,” bemoans Mattis, “cheering against each other, fueled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future, instead of rediscovering our common ground and finding solutions.” Both sides do it. Really?! We can get that from Hugh Hewitt.

No doubt, like so many of those who could give Trump a black eye, Mattis feels a brawl with President low road is beneath his station. Moreover, it’s clear from the self-congratulations the General lays on with a ladle rather than a brush – after all, he could have stayed retired with a family he had long neglected… but for duty blah, blah, blah – that he feels no guilt whatsoever for signing on with a boss who was fundamentally at odds with his entire worldview. Mattis assures us a good Marine does his homework, but apparently the general moved right past Trump’s MAGA stump gibberish before accepting his Cabinet position. Even a cursory glance at the Trump campaign’s trail of fears would have promoted the conclusion carrying out his Sec./Def. duties required complete refutation of his employer’s positions. The record shows Mattis succeeded too well for too long to be viewed as much more than just another ship jumper looking to proactively aerate a reputation tarnished by Trump…. as all inevitably are.

Trump’s ventures abroad for meetings with NATO allies have been one embarrassment after the other from the start. Everything from siding with Putin in Helsinki to a constant and shrill fixation on “unfair” imbalances in defense spending has framed the US less as a leader than an obstacle to Western collective security. Trump being Trump, Mattis was dragged into many an incident as window dressing for outrages he surely abhorred, but said little publicly, and even less privately if the reporting is accurate. When it counted, as the damage was happening, Mattis was keeping his head down, apparently figuring there were bigger fish to fry. Now we expect him to make a stand?

When history looks back at this dark passage and identifies Trump’s enablers, no picture will speak more words than a conference table occupied almost entirely by white male sycophants dutifully absorbing the nonsensical “achievements” he endlessly extols. And seated next to his greatness for the first two plus years, like a prized Christmas ornament, was his favorite general. Granted, Mattis looked like he had swallowed paint thinner throughout the charades, but his seat assignment never changed. Moreover, when he could have offered some candid frankness in a froth of disgusting servile repetition, he took a pass. The image, however, will endure.

Finally, there is perhaps nothing worse in the always expanding litany of Trump outrages than his seditiously overt efforts to recruit the armed services into his wretched core, turning what once was America’s pride and joy symbol of enduring civilian control of our military into ominous red flags any democrat should worry about. The Commander-In-Chief’s transformation of morale boosts for the troops into MAGA rallies has been going on from the start. Navy, Air Force, Army…. Boy Scouts…. no group has been exempted.

Whether it be caustic and dishonest criticisms of his predecessors, or lies about his role in securing advanced weaponry, Trump has only had one gear when addressing those in uniform… self-serving. Mattis never made much of a public peep about it, though most all confirm he was not happy and made clear within the Pentagon, from the top down, partisanship within the ranks would not be tolerated. Yet and still, as far as confronting Trump with the unacceptability of his behavior, or using his platform to accentuate how out of line the president was acting, the record shows Mattis wanting.

To be fair, and accurate, Mattis’ career has been exemplary; he is respected and admired by virtually all who have dealt with him as a modest, intelligent and honorable straight shooter. Moreover, there is unquestioned validity to the argument that, in democracies the military must always err on the side of the elected, even if they undermine such deference. Indeed, it may be that Mattis is a crucible to the crossroads we reached long ago and still ponder.

Further, it may not be fair to expect him to abandon a set of principles that views Trumpism more as a test of our system’s fortitude than an imminent threat to it. One could even be convinced to admire Mattis for eating Trump’s crap sandwich for as long as he did out of duty he felt for his nation. But let’s be clear about one thing the intelligent and clear-eyed have known since January of 2017, this President is a hideous aberration, a detestable outlier of incompetence and indifference to the most minimum of obligations his office requires. That includes his duties as Commander-In-Chief. There were plenty of very “honorable” German Generals within the Reich, who prosecuted unfathomable calamity.

At the end of the day, history will issue it’s own opinion about the reticence of Mattis to confront Trump directly, with all the ugliness that entails. Like they’re saying right now down in Florida as Dorian churns away, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Or put a slightly darker way: the road to ruin contains too many bystanders who could help direct traffic. Who knows, maybe even the stray mad dog. BC

Rotten Premise

On the first Tuesday of November, 2016 I was frustrated. I was certain voting mid-day would encounter the briefest lines, but my schedule and hideous DC traffic were not cooperating. Four years earlier, getting to the polls at 2:00 pm, I felt fortunate only having to wait about 35 minutes to help re-elect Obama, but it was going to be rush hour this time around. Arriving at Kilmer Junior High I was surprised to find a relatively desolate parking lot, which encouraged me to check if I missed a sign directing me to another area of the campus. Heading inside it was just me and several partisans from both the GOP and Democrats handing out sample ballots. I was confused enough to seek confirmation that in fact polling had not ended earlier than I assumed.

When I entered the voting area I was stunned. It was me and the volunteers… that’s it. I asked the lovely woman checking my ID what the hell happened to the crowds; she smiled and said “it’s been very quiet all day.” As I processed the opposite of what I expected, the ramifications began to surface. When I got home, I was perplexed enough that my wife Susan asked me what was wrong…. we may be f****d was all I could muster. The rest is sad history.

At some level, to some degree, no matter how far the process is set to autopilot, democracy is about personal responsibility. If the binary choice is rule by an authoritarian’s decree – or a fool’s tweets – or some form of collective consensus, no other conclusion is possible. Those in America, Britain or Israel who choose to ignore the basis of the latter are simply advocating for the former… that simple. Either participate and accept responsibility for the result or let it die and suffer the whims of arbitrary chaos.

In America things have been taken for granted so long, constant and guilt-ridden perfunctory plaudits to a volunteer military aside, it’s fair to ask if fully disregarding one’s responsibility to civic routines is the norm or aberration. Certainly the numbers aren’t very hopeful in that regard, particularly those clarifying the newest generation of participants. Of all the age groups, 18-29 year olds exercise their most basic right the least. Less than half voted in 2016, surely influencing a result that hinged on a percentile in several states thought before the election to be foregone conclusions. Had our youth turned out in mass, would we be suffering Trump today? Not likely.

Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone is perhaps the best writer in America when it comes to establishing the equilibrium one requires to address the Trump era. Somewhere between crying Hitler and tuning news out completely in favor of compulsive selfies of friends and family is a sweet spot we’re all trying to find. It’s a place between laughing and crying, between toxic cynicism and hysterical alarm, between taking to the streets and clutching a remote. In short, each of us defining our civic obligation and accepting the responsibility for creating what few still believe is normal.

Taibbi can hold forth on the wretched core’s destructive alienation, and the longing for demigods it creates, and chew gum at the same time. He can recall ugly bigotry spewed by rally goers while assessing the absurdity of protesters’ inane chants across the street, which only fortify Trumpie resolve. The degree to which one can disdain Democrats arguing about who is least racist while a neo- Nazi idol ruins us defines how elusive salvation may prove to be. Do we really want to save a process that’s so broken? Or are the “Bernie or busts” right… it’s revolution time? Who’s to know? When facts are replaced by placards all bets are off. When Breitbart is the journalistic equal of the Washington Post, it may just be too late. Stock up on corned beef hash and kerosene.

One thing is certain…. it’s not just us. Britain has its own 35 percenter crisis. The world’s oldest democracy is zombie walking toward disastrous economic dislocation. Brexit would lose by a landslide in a redo, but nihilists are even less likely to admit a mistake than they are to consider the facts which condemned their assumptions from the start. Former Prime Minister Teresa May did her best to make the insanity more palatable, but it was like telling a healthy patient, don’t worry we’ve decided to only take one of your kidneys. So Parliament has been suspended by a Trumpkin with a taste for tea, the better to keep those bothersome truths at bay….. take em both. What’s a little renal failure when safeguarding national sovereignty we convinced you was in danger?! And who will accept responsibility for Britain’s ills once the damage is done? Clown question.

In Israel it’s even more dire. An entire national identity is at stake. The security state vs democracy choice is upon the Jewish homeland. Annexing the West Bank is something it could have done 50 years ago. Likud OG Menachem Begin could have done it 40 years ago, Ditto Ariel Sharon 30 years ago. Why didn’t they? They understood it wasn’t so simple, and the national interest would suffer. Militarism is not Zionism, or shouldn’t be, anyway. Netanyahu clarifies the difference between hardliner and corrupt politician as much as Trump does. One would think a clean Mediterranean Sea is in Israel’s best interest as much as anyone’s. Yet thousands of gallons of untreated sewage spews hourly into a natural resource praised for thousands of years – by the Torah and Bible alike – because treatment plants in Gaza can’t afford to operate due to the chokehold Israel exerts. Who loses in that situation?

Fact is, we can make this thing as easy or hard as each of us wants to, but the results won’t discriminate. Florida Trumpies have a Cat 4 hurricane barreling toward them the same as those who despise him, even as the Donald’s EPA mindlessly relaxes methane emission standards, essentially trusting big oil and gas to police itself. It may be fitting and just that Dorian has Mar-A-Lago dead in its 135 MPH sights, not to mention Rush Limbaugh’s compound, but, even if each is wiped of its stilts, will Fox/AM change it’s tune?

When the brand is wanton stupidity there is no such word as modification. One either treats it with the disdain it deserves, or offers it credibility that discredits the offerer. Nothing but poison flows from this well, and a sip is as toxic as a gulp. Whether one marches in the streets or takes another selfie, that’s not changing. What’s rotten in Denmark is half the discussion. Is Chuck Todd any better than Martha McCallum when the issues he wants to preen about are framed by the gibberish she aims to normalize? It’s the narrative, stupid! BC

Master Of The House

There is no other word for it. No matter how creative one becomes to describe the prospects of President Trump’s Doral resort in Miami, the most accurate term is failure. Doral appears to be going belly up. Operating revenue, income generated by primary business activities, is down 69% since 2017. That’s known as a hemorrhage. Instead of a waiting list for new applicants to be considered, hundreds of former members are waiting for refunds of membership payments management is in no hurry to make good on, yet another platoon in the sad army of those the Trump Organization has welched on its financial obligation to.

The reasons vary depending on who you talk to. Most notable, and most probable, is the damage Trump’s chaotic reign has done to a brand that was never mistaken for IBM. Indeed, it makes perfect sense that the last person a decent, informed and empathetic fan of US democracy would want to swipe an Amex gold card for to play a $300 round of golf, followed by a $28 club sandwich and $12 bottle of Heineken, would be the ugly personification of the polar opposite of such qualities. Just because the GOP has no concern about emoluments, doesn’t mean the market place can’t reach its own verdict on the matter.

Of course the top of the Trump Organization food chain – his children – have a host of other explanations, provided with the let’s-see-what-sticks haphazardness their father passed down. Everything from Zika fears to hurricane interruptions have been offered with straight faces. To be fair, Eric and Don Jr. are between a rock and a hard place created by their parallel play of looking to turn a business profit by day, which affords no partisanship, and heading to Sean Hannity at night, where they label more than half of America socialist termites in league with satan. A very tricky balance beam to walk.

When Trump purchased Doral in 2012 out of bankruptcy for $150 million and excitedly trumpeted his plans to return the resort “back to greatness,” he was a reality tv star who engaged on the side in ugly, racist conspiracy theories about our first black President. A nasty gadfly with more of a following than he deserved. Nobody cared about Doral, except maybe the PGA, who had hosted a tournament at the “Blue Monster” for decades. Whatever Trump could or couldn’t do with the property was his business… God’s speed….. Things are surely different now.

Three years into the Trump Presidency we know him better than we wish we did. The pattern is always the same. Like Verruca Salt in Willy Wonka, it follows several distinct stages. First, try and sweet talk the objective forward, Trump’s idea of reasonable. When that goes nowhere shift gears and start taking names, implying without facts made up reasons as to why opponents may be refusing to budge on the matter. Finally, when it’s certain no means no, throw a tantrum on Twitter and as the chopper awaits, insulting any and all deemed responsible for the outrage of refusing L’Enfant Terrible his way.

Incredibly, it’s not a stretch to contend that Trump’s primary purpose for attending the G7 Summit in France was to begin floating the idea of Doral hosting the gathering next year. Certainly, he was never more enthusiastic and animated throughout the long weekend than when making his pitch for Doral. He couldn’t be bothered to even attend the discussion of Climate Change, nor was he remotely prepared to defend his arbitrary tariff regimes against China, and Russia’s hegemony over Ukraine was dismissed simply as Putin “outsmarting” Obama, but Trump was clear and determined when listing the “advantages” Doral enjoys for hosting next year’s event. It’s not hyperbole to contend leading other leaders on a tour of “his” 800-acre club would constitute a high point of his time in office. It would replace “the biggest landslide in history” as the lead fish story for his rallies…. “they kept asking how I could be such a great President AND run such a first class facility. They were, frankly, stunned it was possible!”

As usual, what Trump declares to the camera, or pecks into his Twitter feed, and the White House talk track are out of sync. Trump seems to be using the assumptive close. He implied the deal is done and, after an exhaustive search by above board government advance teams, who “went to places all over the country,” Doral was declared the perfect spot. “It’s not about me,” insisted the President, it’s “about getting the right location.” Yet and still, the White House is mum on the matter, refusing to respond to Washington Post inquiries on how the resort will bill the parties involved, and how it doesn’t amount to one monstrous conflict of interest.

Trump for his part, seems to be expecting everybody to rely on his word and good faith that a successful G7, or whatever it will be called if he invites Russia as he declared he will, is his entire focus. The G7 deserves the best facilities and everybody is saying my club fits the bill…. “I don’t care about making money,” he said in France with a straight face, even as reporters laughed.

Trump outrages on every front – moral, ethical, institutional, legal, etc. – long ago exceeded our ability to track without creating tranches and assigning values as to just how destructive each is to previous standards and guideposts of behavior. As far as Trump’s refusal to accept any limits on his continued involvement with properties his family business owns, the numbers tell the story. He has visited Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, Doral, et al literally hundreds of times before even serving 1000 days in office. Moreover, he has hosted foreign delegations from Japan and China, along with their full entourages. Did they stay for free? Yea… right.

It bears repeating here, just for context, that Jimmy Carter placed his beloved peanut farm in a blind trust to prevent any whiff of impropriety. God bless him. Ask Trump’s wretched core about the wafting stench emanating from his flagrant efforts to involve properties he owns in global events his elected office plays THE leading position in overseeing and they’ll shrug and tell you a guy as rich as Trump isn’t concerned about such chump change. He’s a billionaire. Money doesn’t mean anything to him! It’s all a personal sacrifice. After all, he’s working for free. Sure he is! When he starts melting down if his long con designs get taken to task – even cabana boy Rick Santorum bristles at the idea – we’ll all see just how genuine his public service inclinations are…… “I want it now!! “ BC

Maxed Out

Back in 1992, Senator Warren Rudman, a Republican from New Hampshire, and Democratic Senator Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts, formed a non-profit called the Concord Coalition. The bi-partisan group was meant to cast light on a simmering crisis that could ruin the US economy if allowed to fester unattended… deficit spending. Rudman spoke in apocalyptic terms of a debt bomb that could paralyze US and world markets and destroy entitlements like Social Security and Medicare.

Since the founding of the country, balancing the budget has been a given as a primary responsibility of both the Legislative and Executive branches. While there has been a public debt since America’s founding, responsible governance was defined for more than 200 years as striving to match spending with revenues,. Government programs needed to be paid for, which meant higher taxes if necessary, pretty simple stuff. Substantially exceeding available revenues was strictly for emergencies like war and depression. Thus, while FDR increased the debt by 1048% from what he inherited from Hoover, he tackled the Great Depression and paid for WWII. Few held it against him or his legacy.

Indeed, the generation of US economic preeminence WWII ushered in kept deficits at bay until LBJ lurched into Vietnam while creating the Great Society. Even so, Democrats, firmly in control of Congress, were not shy about demanding the upper brackets contribute their fair share, so red ink remained manageable. When Ronald Reagan swept into the White House in 1980, Jimmy Carter had actually reduced the deficit, albeit while also passing on a recession with monstrous interest rates and near double digit unemployment. Moreover, fat cats had run out of patience when it came to progressive taxation, and Reagan was their guy.

Reagan came into office with one priority and one priority only…. slash tax rates for the upper brackets. “Supply-side” economics, created and promoted with evangelical fervor by a club of GOP true believers led by Jack Kemp and incoming OMB Director David Stockman, was supposed to contain two elements, each fully dependent on the other for the theory to succeed. Cutting spending would make slashing tax rates possible, and the tax cuts would stimulate the economy, creating more revenues with lower tax rates, which could then “trickle down” to revive programs initially chopped to facilitate the tax relief. At least that was the theory. Practice would prove a bit more complicated.

David Stockman worked feverishly under the premise that landmark tax reform, being rushed through both chambers on the Hill, would be followed by swift spending reductions that would bring the budget back into equilibrium and enable the Supply-side formula to shine and propel the economy out of the rut it had been in for too long. In August of 1981, the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) passed without much of a peep from Democrats unenthused about becoming impediments to the tax relief Reagan spent his campaign promising and provided the US upper brackets with 20 points of love. The top marginal rate was reduced from 70 to 50 percent. That figure would eventually go as low as 28% before stabilizing between 35-40%, a gigantic gift the wealthiest Americans continue to enjoy.

But something happened on the way to Supply-side nirvana; the Reagan White House decided being the budget cutting boogie man was not a good role for the Gipper. Instead of following through with the second pillar of the theory, Reagan’s troika of handlers, James Baker, Mike Deaver and Ed Meese, decided to simply fake trying to cut the budget. Claim to want to do it, but blame House Speaker Tip O’Neil and the Democrats for blocking our honest efforts…. we tried. In fact, under Reagan, government debt rose from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion, with the military budget surging 30% within the confines of Reagan’s amped up Cold War rhetoric and “star wars” fever dreams. Thus, two momentous events occurred together: first, the deficit spending genie was let out of the bottle; second, policy messaging was developed, not to convince the entire electorate, but merely the GOP. Today, we suffer mightily for both of these watersheds.

Anyone wishing to learn more from one present at the creation should read David Stockman’s tale of how he and other true Supply-side apostles were betrayed by their leader. Principled governance is not what comes to mind perusing Stockman’s account of the Reagan White House’s decision to begin using the nation’s credit card in earnest.

It’s clear both the White House and GOP leaders like Bob Dole knew what they were doing. In a fit of conscience they actually passed legislation on the down low to rescind some of the ERTA’s most substantial rate reductions in order to boost revenues. Yet and still, the die was cast; deficit spending was now more than an emergency measure, it was good politics. As running a tab of more than a $1 trillion had its expected impact on economic performance, the GOP and later Fox/AM lionized Reagan as an economic visionary, the father of the Supply-side miracle. Cottage industry plagues from Grover Norquist to the Koch brothers sprang forth to make certain the new brand became orthodoxy no Republican lawmaker could swim against without being treated as an apostate. Supply-side lost one of its legs and was redefined as merely a synonym for cutting taxes and assuming Democrats would sabotage spending reductions. No matter, the cuts alone were all that counted as far as political viability within the GOP.

The rest is sad history which created our nightmarish present circumstance. From Reagan’s more than doubling of the debt he inherited to W’s shameful decision to increase his poll numbers by blowing a $1 trillion surplus he inherited with the mantra of “returning it to hardworking taxpayers” to Trump’s unfathomable $1.5 trillion gift to the upper brackets at full employment, hypocrisy doesn’t get more blatant than Republican attacks against Democratic “tax and spending.” The very trope itself underscores the critical difference between parties…. at least Dems admit the piper needs to be paid.

It’s important to note, as Trump heads to the G7 summit ready and willing to embarrass us before the world yet again, that the day he delivered perhaps US history’s ugliest inauguration speech, the nation’s jobless rate was at 4.7%, which is considered full employment. He is on schedule to deliver more than $6 trillion in additional debt under circumstances his predecessor, who, even with a dire economic crisis produced about the same amount of red ink, would have thanked heaven to have. Trump’s spending spree has been fully blessed by the GOP, who scraped and clawed to pass tax relief only billionaires and corporations celebrated. Of course, they called it Supply-side economics.

To be clear, Democrats don’t wear virgin white in all of this. Promising the stars to provide target rich shooting for GOP-Fox/AM hypocrisy is what they do best. Elizabeth Warren has surged into contention for the 2020 nomination promising a list of goodies she insists the 2% will pay for. Her numbers don’t add up, even if the tax justice could somehow pass. Unlike Trump and the GOP, a Warren Presidency will quickly run into the limits responsibility forces on campaign promises, an obstacle the Trump GOP has ignored from the start. Either way the card is maxed out, with the doom Rudman warned of near 30 years ago just over the horizon. Back in 92’ Rudman spoke of the ominous specter of interest payments on as much as $10 trillion in debt. We’re now at more than twice that figure and, even at record low rates, interest on the national debt hobbles us. What happens if rates surge into the double digits? A couple of generations will quickly learn how destructive inflation can be. The housing market is now barely holding its own with buyers able to get a 3.65% 30-year fixed rate. What happens when that rate is, say, 12 %? Ditto car purchases.

Successful anything requires options. The more avenues, the better plan that can be created and employed. We are running out of options to fashion winning economic strategies. This Administration has moved aggressively to destroy as many as it can, everything from capitalizing on the prerequisites for addressing climate change, to needlessly aggravating a critical debt problem Trump promised to resolve “in a couple of years.”

The chickens of arbitrary tariff madness are coming home to roost. Recession is nigh. What will be available to help pull us out of the hole Trump now furiously burrows is little and none…. and little is blowing town. The mess a Democrat will be faced with if we’re determined enough to send Trump packing is likely to make what Obama inherited from W look pleasant. It’s the end of the red brick road the Reagan Revolution set us on. BC